If you are you thinking of coming to church for the first time, or the first time in a long time you will be very welcome!
Find out the answers to common questions you may have HERE.
We look forward to seeing you as everyone is welcome here.
Sunday morning Coffee Church worship
led by Rev Liz Harris
followed by a
Sharing Lunch
for Rev Liz Harris & John -
Please note Crisps, Bread Sticks will be provided.
Please bring something for the table to share.
To worship with us on YouTube click HERE
Sunday September 15th
Sunday morning worship including Holy Communion
led by Rev Henry Lewis
Sunday September 22nd
Harvest Festival
led by Rev Liz Harris
Sunday September 29th
Sunday Morning Worship
led by Tim Parker
Sunday 6 October 10.30am
Sunday Morning Worship
Jane Jarvis
Sunday 13 October 10.30am
Rev Liz Harris - Coffee Church
Droitwich Methodist Church Notices - Sunday 8th September
Message from Rev Elizabeth and John Harris
Hello! It’s great to have arrived here in Droitwich Spa, and what an amazing warm welcome we’ve received! We are very grateful to have been greeted by so many friendly faces, lovely messages, hospitality, cards and gifts, and kind words – you have been loving and generous and we feel at home already. We are particularly thankful to those who prepared the manse for our arrival, and looked after us during our transition – we appreciate your hard work.
The Welcome Service was a splendid occasion; a big “thank you” to all who helped to plan and organise, and to all who took part or came along; it really was wonderful. And thanks for your personal gift of prayer shawls for each of us – what thoughtful presents; we appreciate all the prayer and encouragement they represent.
A little background information as we get to know each other: I am originally from the Welsh Valleys, and John from Llanelli. We have 3 adult children and three teen grandchildren, and other family in South West Wales. I have a professional background in teaching and nursing, and John in the Civil Service. We were previously part of the Llanelli and Carmarthen Methodist Circuit (now the South West Wales Circuit). After training for Methodist ministry at The Queen’s Foundation in Edgbaston, I was stationed to the Falmouth and Gwennap Circuit in Cornwall, and served there for 8 years. We are both delighted to now come to this area, and look forward to joining in with the work of God here, and getting to know all of you!
Much love,
Rev’d Liz & John Harris
FUNDRAISING COFFEE AM – Saturday 7th September @ 10.30am will include a garden working party to help tidy up our church grounds. Please come prepared if you are able to help in the gardens.
Sunday 8th September 10.30am Rev Liz Harris -Coffee Church - (for a 10.40 start to worship) - followed by: a sharing lunch for Rev Liz Harris and John. Crisps, Bread sticks etc. will be provided. Please bring something for the table to share.
MONDAY FELLOWSHIP - will re-commence on
September 9th Rev Liz Harris with Communion.
September 16th - Heath Watton - London v Birmingham. All are welcome.
WEDNESDAY COFFEE MORNING 10.30am each Weds in the Wesley Room. We look forward to seeing you.
COME AND SING will restart on September 11th and meet on September 18th @ 2.30 pm – 3.30 pm.
CRAFT, GAMES AND CHAT Next meeting 25th September 2-4pm Come along and enjoy a cup of tea and cake on a Wednesday afternoon from 2 pm to 4 pm.
BABY AND TODDLER GROUP (term time only) - Thursdays two sessions 10-11.30am and 1-2.30pm.
For more Info, please contact Sarah at droitwichcfw@btinternet.com
THURSDAY FRIENDS. Next meeting 3rd October - Visit to Fire Station
- Friday 4th October meeting at church for a Bring and Share supper.
- Friday 1st November I am arranging a trip to Norbury Theatre to see Calendar Girls, tickets cost £15 / £13.
- Please can you let me know by the end of September if you would like to come along to this. All are welcome. Please contact me for more details. Many thanks, Sarah Jessop
PUMPKIN PARTY - I am hoping to run a Pumpkin Party on Thursday 31st October from 2-4pm. We have been fortunate to run this event for a few years now and it's well attended and much appreciated by all who come along. The afternoon will be aimed at children under 10 and will be open to all in our community so it's a fantastic opportunity for outreach. I am looking for people who would be willing to help on the day by setting up tables, serving refreshments or running a craft table. There is also the opportunity to help beforehand by preparing crafts. If you are available to help then please can you get in touch with me asap, so that I can ensure that we have enough people to be able to run it this year. Many thanks, Sarah Jessop
WELCOME CAFE is open each Friday, in the Wesley Room, (term-time only) from 3.30 to 5.20 approx.
COFFEE MORNING – Saturday 21st September- 10.30-12noon – To include Harvest Decoration of the church. Please bring along your Harvest Gifts (see Foodbank wish list attached) and flowers to decorate the church would be very helpful.
HARVEST FESTIVAL MEAL - Sunday 22nd September - 12.15 – Tickets £8 – Please see Mary Stanbury or Sandra Drain for tickets
CONVERSATIONS continue on Wednesday evenings during October. Rev Liz Harris will lead us in exploring the topics of Faith, Hope and Love October 2nd - Faith. October 9th- Hope. October 16th - Love. ALL ARE WELCOME. We gather in the Wesley Room at church any time from 7pm for drinks, with the session starting at 7.30 and finishing at 9pm
PRAYER CHAIN - our church offers prayer support through the prayer chain. Prayer requests are handled with sensitivity and care and circulated to our prayer volunteers. Coordinator, Sylvia Marsh: 775246; email randsmarsh@btinternet.com
A Thank you from Mary Austin - Dear Friends, a huge thank you for your generous gifts of garden centre tokens and the prayer shawl which were presented to me when I took the service on 18th August. As most of you will know my time of supporting DMC has now come to an end and you won’t see me for a bit! Of course, I remain a supernumerary minister in the circuit and will likely be back taking the occasional service at DMC in the future. I will still be local so will undoubtedly bump into some of you in Droitwich and, of course, at circuit events. It has been a joy and pleasure to work with you all and to get to know people better. You have been so encouraging and supportive of me and I have enjoyed my time with you. I am stepping back as Liz has now comes to minister amongst you and I wish her and you all every blessing for the future. Once again - many thanks for my gift. Mary
ECO TEAM Thank you for your continued efforts in re-cycling, greeting cards, stamps, empty ink cartridges and pill packets. The Eco group - John, Geoff, Geoff and Jeff, Rob and Jean.
LEVEL WATER FUNDRAISER - I am doing a 24 hour team wildwater endurance swim in a local lake to raise money so that children with disabilities can get to enjoy the water as much as I do. The swim is from midday on Saturday 28th to midday on Sunday 29th September, and we'll be taking it in turns to swim right through the night. The water temperature is expected to be about 16 Degrees, so it will be cold!. If you would like to sponsor me, I have set up a JustGiving Page - Julia's Fundraiser for Level Water Many thanks Julia Watkins
Iona - Mary and Derek Austin are taking a group to stay in Iona Abbey for a week from Friday 13th June 2025. There are still a few places available. The cost for the Abbey is £792 full board. There will be additional costs for a b and b at Oban and for travel. A 20% deposit needs to be paid by 20th September. For more information please email Mary on mary.austin@methodist.org.uk
Further items of interest from CTiD, around the Circuit, DiSTRICT and Beyond:
Explore_2024-25_September_Start_1.pdf (methodist.org.uk) - Explore is an opportunity for any member of the Methodist church in Britain to take a step back, and consider how you are called to respond to God's invitation to church leadership
PAUL FIELD CONCERT - Saturday 12th October 2024 - There will be a concert at South Parade Methodist Church, Sutton Coldfield, B72 1QY at 7.00pm. Join us for an evening with celebrated Christian singer- songwriter Paul Field. He will be visiting as part of his 50th anniversary tour. Tickets £8 on the door or in advance from Amanda on 07890 645052 or by emailing : enquiries@sc-mc.org.uk There will be a retiring collection for Adavu - a project helping modern slavery victims in the Midlands
Contacts/further information
CHURCH WEBSITE: http://www.droitwichspamethodistchurch.co.uk/
Family Worker: - Sarah Jessop droitwichcfw@btinternet.com
Rev Elizabeth Harris - elizabeth.harris@methodist.org.uk
OFFICE: - Contact Janet Staley on the church office mobile 07922949791 droitwichmethodistchurch@btinternet.com
will be on Sunday 22nd September. Any items for inclusion in the notices to be received by WEDNESDAY 18th Sept. afternoon, please, to Elaine Humphreys Email: dmcnotices@btinternet.com
Reminder of Items from Previous notices in July
ACTION FOR CHILDREN. Boxes ready for emptying and any donations will be wanted in September.
Christmas in the Town Centre - At the ‘Churches Together’ meeting, it was suggested that, this year, we set up a pop-up-shop, in St Andrews Square. for the week before Christmas. If it works out, there will be a shop window with a Nativity scene, information about church services, and a space inside for people to talk. There are a number of other things that we would like to do but we need people to help. At this stage we are especially looking for people who have window dressing experience; people skills; or management, craft, or other skills to help with planning. However, whatever you can offer in time or skill will be appreciated. If you can help, either on the week or, with pre-planning and preparation please contact me. Tony Martin martinslodge@btopenworld.com
DROITWICH SPA FOODBANK Opened July 2014 Founded by DMC & CTiD. Sadly, the need continues and increases Many thanks to volunteers from DMC & worshippers at DMC for continued support with food and money. Visit our website for more information on how to access emergency food or how to donate food.MAIN LOCATION Foodbank Centre – Droitwich Spa Baptist Church, Ombersley Street East, Droitwich WR9 8QS Foodbank Office – St Andrews Parish Centre, St Andrews Street, Droitwich WR9 8DY Enquiries: 07532 130604 EMAIL: info@droitwichspa.foodbank.org.uk