If you are you thinking of coming to church for the first time, or the first time in a long time you will be very welcome!

Find out the answers to common questions you may have HERE.

 We look forward to seeing you as everyone is welcome here.

28 JULY 2024 

10.30am Sunday Morning worship 

led by 

Deacon Tony Martin,

To worship with us on YouTube

 please click 


Droitwich Methodist Church Notices

Sunday 21st July 2024



Sunday  28th July  10.30am

Local arrangement led by Deacon Tony Martin

to worship with us on YouTube click HERE


Sunday 4 August 10.30 am

Hilary Johnson

Sunday 11 August 10.30am

Robert Lewin-Jones - Coffee Church

Sunday 18 August 10.30am

Rev Mary Austin - Holy Communion

Sunday 25 August  10.30am

Tim Parker 

Sunday September 1st

Sunday Morning Worship at 10.30 

led by our new minister 

Rev Liz Harris

Sunday September 1st

Circuit Welcome service for 

Rev Liz Harris and John

here at 5pm

Preacher: Chair of the Birmingham Methodist District: Rev Novette Headley

 Sunday September 8th

Sharing Lunch for Rev Liz Harris & John - 

 Please note Crisps, Bread Sticks will be provided.


To read please click HERE

Readings For Coming Week





MONDAY FELLOWSHIP -  no meetings in August will re-commence on September 9th Rev Liz Harris with Communion,  September 16th - Heath Watton - London v Birmingham. All are welcome.


WEDNESDAY COFFEE MORNING 10.30am each Weds in the Wesley Room. We look forward to seeing you.


Come and Sing will restart on September 11th @ 2 pm.


CRAFT, GAMES AND CHAT Next meeting 25th September 2-4pm Come along and enjoy a cup of tea and cake on a Wednesday afternoon from 2 pm to 4 pm.


BABY AND TODDLER GROUP (term time only) - Thursdays two sessions 10-11.30am and 1-2.30pm.

For more Info, please contact Sarah at droitwichcfw@btinternet.com


THURSDAY FRIENDS. Next meeting 1st August at 2.00pm in the Wesley Room, Bring and Buy and social meeting. Also 5th September Visit to Norbury Theatre back stage meeting at the theatre 2.30pm.


Ladies Night - Unfortunately the weather wasn't kind for our summer walk in July, so I have rescheduled it for Friday 6th September. We will meet at church and aim to leave about 7pm. The walk will last around 75 minutes and you are welcome to join us for the walk or at church later for refreshments. All are welcome. For more information, please contact me. Thanks, Sarah Jessop


Welcome café is open each Friday, in the Wesley Room,  term-time only) from 3.30 to 5.20 approx. 


PRAYER CHAIN - our church offers prayer support through the prayer chain. Prayer requests are handled with sensitivity and care and circulated to our prayer volunteers. Coordinator, Sylvia Marsh: 775246; email randsmarsh@btinternet.com


ECO TEAM Thank you for your continued efforts in re-cycling, greeting cards, stamps, empty ink cartridges and pill packets. We are no longer recycling  bras so please take them to Marks and Spencers who do recycle them . The Eco group - John, Geoff, Geoff and Jeff, Rob and Jean.



ACTION FOR CHILDREN. Boxes ready for emptying and any donations will be wanted in September. If you are on holiday then, please give to me before you go even if that is in August. Thank you for your continued support. Ann Billen Tel. 01905 456068


Christmas in the Town Centre - At the ‘Churches Together’ meeting, it was suggested that, this year, we set up a pop-up-shop, in St Andrews Square. for the week before Christmas. If it works out, there will be a shop window with a Nativity scene, information about church services, and a space inside for people to talk. There are a number of other things that we would like to do but we need people to help. At this stage we are especially looking for people who have window dressing experience; people skills; or management, craft, or other skills to help with planning. However, whatever you can offer in time or skill will be appreciated.  If you can help, either on the week or, with pre-planning and preparation please contact me. Tony Martin martinslodge@btopenworld.com


Further items of interest from CTiD, around the Circuit, DiSTRICT and Beyond:


South Worcestershire Methodist CIRCUIT - WELCOME SERVICE Sunday 1st Sept 2024 5.00pm at DMC. 

for The Revd Liz Harris at DMC. Circuit choir is being assembled to sing at the welcome service, conducted by the Revd David Meachem. 


CHANGE OF REHEARSAL VENUE - Rehearsals in August will now be at BROMYARD ROAD M.C. [not Droitwich]

Rehearsals at BROMYARD ROAD Meth Church, St John’s, Worcester WR2 5DL In August Tuesday 6th, Thursday 8th and Thursday 29th On the day – Sunday 1st September 3.00pm – 4.20pm   


DROITWICH SPA FOODBANK Opened July 2014 Founded by DMC & CTiD. Sadly, the need continues and increases Many thanks to volunteers from DMC & worshippers at DMC for continued support with food and money. Visit our website below for more information on how to access emergency food or how to donate food. MAIN LOCATION Foodbank Centre – Droitwich Spa Baptist Church, Ombersley Street East, Droitwich WR9 8QS Foodbank Office – St Andrews Parish Centre, St Andrews Street, Droitwich WR9 8DY Enquiries: 07532 130604 EMAIL: info@droitwichspa.foodbank.org.uk

The West Midlands Synod of the United Reformed Church is seeking to appoint a Children and Youth Development Officer (Ref CYDO). Further details: Job opportunities (urcwestmidlands.org.uk)




CHURCH WEBSITE: http://www.droitwichspamethodistchurch.co.uk/  



Family Worker: - Sarah Jessop droitwichcfw@btinternet.com

REV MARY AUSTIN - mary.austin@methodist.org.uk

Rev Gary Molver - rev.dmc@btconnect.com

office: - Contact Janet Staley on the church office mobile 07922949791 droitwichmethodistchurch@btinternet.com



- will be on Sunday 8th September. Any items for inclusion in the notices to be received by WEDNESDAY 4th September afternoon, please, to Elaine Humphreys Email: dmcnotices@btinternet.com


Enjoy the remainder of the Summer


 Reminder of Items from Previous notices 7th July


Donations needed urgently.  We have been advised by Donna at CVS that the number of homeless and rough sleepers locally is on the increase and the following donations are urgently needed for times when the Foodbank is not open: - Shampoo, Toothpaste and toothbrushes, Shower gel, Deodorant, washing pods (clothes washing), sanitary towels and incontinence pads.  If you are able to provide any of these please place them in the box in the entrance lobby if that is most convenient or contact Donna   Donna@droitwichcvs.org.uk  Thank you very much.


Cost of living support Booklet. which has information specifically for Droitwich Spa residents about places/information that may help with cost-of-living crisis. Local Support | Droitwich Spa CVS (droitwichcvs.org.uk)


Round 5 of the Wychavon Household Support Grant is now open. A grant referral form is now available to anyone who may need one off support during the cost-of-living crisis. This form will need to be completed and returned to me for a panel to review, and I will let applications know the outcome.  Examples of support local residents have received are- Microwaves, fridge freezer, bed, heating oil top up, Morrisons vouchers, winter bedding, school uniform vouchers, assistance with hospital transport for chemotherapy, contribution to funeral costs. For more information about this grant please contact me. - Kind regards Donna Child Finance and Admin Officer Droitwich Spa and Rural Council for Voluntary Service.

Cost of living support Booklet. which has information specifically for Droitwich Spa residents about places/information that may help with cost-of-living crisis. Local Support | Droitwich Spa CVS (droitwichcvs.org.uk).  

Round 5 of the Wychavon Household Support Grant is now open. A grant referral form is now available to anyone who may need one off support during the cost-of-living crisis. This form will need to be completed and returned to me for a panel to review, and I will let applications know the outcome. Examples of support local residents have received are- Microwaves, fridge freezer, bed, heating oil top up, Morrisons vouchers, winter bedding, school uniform vouchers, assistance with hospital transport for chemotherapy, contribution to funeral costs. For more information about this grant please contact me. - Kind regards Donna Child Finance and Admin Officer Droitwich Spa and Rural Council for Voluntary Service 
