Here is the Circuit Prayer from Harpley:-

O Lord, we thank you that we are able to hold our Methodist services in this beautiful little Anglican church of St. Bartholomew's, in Harpley. We thank you for all that is being done to improve facilities here, so that links within the local community may continue to grow. Bless the ministers & local preachers who come out to lead our worship. We welcome all those who attend our services & may the Holy Spirit, who guided Jesus, be our guide & strength, so that we may continue to witness to your love in all that we do & say.

Through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen 

Please keep Harpley  in your prayers throughout July.

St Bartholomew's C of E Church, Harpley, Lower Sapey, WR6 6HG

St Bartholomew’s has maintained good links with local Methodists since High Lane Methodist Chapel closed and twice a Quarter the service at St Bartholomew's is led by a Methodist Minister or Methodist Local Preacher.